Thursday, January 8, 2009

A journey begins with a single step...

Consider this a new beginning. Consider this a fresh start. For our purposes this is where we set our course. Where are we going? I'm not quite sure. Why? Because we'll be following the music and we have no idea where it will take us.

Where do we begin? Let's start here.

In another place (speaking cyberly) I've been trying to mobilize/unite a community of like-minded music lovers to discuss common ground - music that we've all heard - without having the excercise turn into a pissing contest or a soundingboard for contributors to display their impressive skills at researching what other people have said about the common ground. With an eye towards achieving this lofty goal I decided to upload a recording that anyone interested in participating could download. These volunteers would be obliged to listen to the music (which was stripped bare of any reference to artist, recording name, composition name, label) and respond to an internet group site with their personal impressions and opinions. I had one person express discomfort with the "blind" aspect of the endeavour but one person mentioned how much fun it was to listen to music without any expectations. You were obliged to listen with "different ears". The results of this initiative is on-going and I have nothing definitive to report.

What did/do I get out of all this, you may ask? For one thing, I've begun to feel the satisfaction of having turned on music lovers to some new music they might otherwise never encounter. For another, I've begun to realize just how capricious our journey (musical or otherwise) really is. A seemingly simple, isolated little choice can radically change your course. I didn't see this one coming...

Without getting too woo-woo or, conversely, pedantic about it, let me say that this is where I'll be trying to make sense of it all. You can come along for the trip if you wish. Be my guest! I'll try and make this a regular occurrence. I'll draw from several sources of inspiration and bare with me as I find my way...

Oh, yeah, the album is called THE DREAM BOOK. It's a duo album by hornplayer/trumpeter Joe McPhee and bassist Dominic Duval. It's a tribute to Ornette Coleman and each piece is dedicated to a different collaborator of Coleman's, as well as one for the man himself. Enjoy.

More about it next time...

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