Wednesday, August 5, 2009

WIDE OPEN Vol.2.0, Edition 2

Sorry for the length between WO posts...

The playlist for WIDE OPEN Vol.2.0, Edition 1 plays out like this:

tune / artist / album

1. Darkness, Darkness - Phil Upchurch (Darkness, Darkness)
2. Quiet Afternoon - Buddy Terry (Pure Dynamite)
3. I Walk on Gilded Splinters - Johnny Jenkins (Ton-Ton Macoute!)
4. Moving Picture For the Ear - Don Cherry (Eternal Now)
5. Helen 12 Trees - Charlie Mariano (Helen 12 Trees)
6. Satan - Byard Lancaster (It's Not Up to Us)
7. Right Now - Charles Tolliver (Paper Man)
8. Melifluous Cacophony - Sam Rivers (Contours)
9. Katcharpari - Enrico Rava (Katcharpari)

I hope you heard something you liked...

Get edition two here.

Until next time... Enjoy!

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